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Thumbs up for Atheism???? |
In March of
this year, Pope Francis looked at a bunch of apostate media hacks and said he
would bless them even though “many of you do not belong to the Catholic Church,
and others are not believers".
Later that
week, while delivering a homily, the former Jesuit, Pope Francis said:
“The Lord
has redeemed all of us, all of us, with the Blood of Christ: all of us, not
just Catholics. Everyone! 'Father, the
atheists?' Even the atheists. Everyone! ... We are created children in the
likeness of God and the Blood of Christ has redeemed us all … We need that so
much. We must meet one another doing good. 'But I don't believe, Father, I am
an atheist!' But do good: We will meet one another there.”
After that
surprising olive branch, the Vatican officials ran around retracting it but the
tolerance cat was out of the bag.
Atheists can be redeemed. Not
that many of us care.
approach seems to be informed by the concept of “the Anonymous Christian”
promoted by another Jesuit, Karl Rahner.
This notion is that people who have never heard of the Christian Gospels might be saved if "in
[their] basic orientation and fundamental decision," Rahner wrote,
"accepted the grace of God, through Christ, although [they] may never have
heard of the Christian revelation." Now we atheists actually have heard
of, and maybe even read, the Gospels but have failed to be persuaded. So the
atheistic olive branch offered by Pope Francis is a dramatic escalation of the
Anonymous Christian doctrine.
The Rahner
doctrine and the Francis overture taken together are extraordinary. They are examples of the Jesuits in the
Catholic Church dealing with the plausibility problems of faith in a modern
world. The Jesuits were supposed to be
the hard line soldiers of Christ and look at them now! The plausibility crisis
has been present in an increasing for centuries with the boom in science post
The Enlightenment but now seems to be cutting a swathe in the European faith
communities. What do the churches’
leaderships do in Europe when the flocks have lost their creeds? One could become more truculent and
fundamentalist. Or one could become more
inclusive and modern. Pope Francis seems
to have embraced the latter.
This is a
marvellous development. There is no
knocking tolerance. Since March,
however, such overtures seem to have evaporated but the record cannot be
Two issues
therefore are opened by this event: why did he do this? And will he do it for
other appalling beliefs of Catholicism?
Next time, I look at Pope Francis and the gay and lesbian issue but I
want to spend some words speculating on why Francis may be concerned with
redemption and therefore reach out to those(like atheists and gays) whom other
Popes thought were beyond redemption.
Francis, with his emphasis on redemption of even apostates, is a person who
reminds me of John Newton. “John who?”,
I hear you cry. John Newton was a slave
trader who was redeemed by faith and became a leader of the anti Slavery
movement. He celebrated the role of
redemption in his life by penning the most popular hymn of all time on the
subject – Amazing Grace. Francis too embraces redemption and, like Newton, needs to redeem himself.
Francis, as
the Cardinal Jorge Borgoglio, was in Argentina during the so called “Dirty War”
where up to 30,000 dissidents were killed and/or tortured. It is difficult in these scary situations to
emerge both with clean hands and alive. Cardinal
Borgoglio was the subject of allegations as leader of the Jesuits. There were clearly disagreements within the
Jesuit community about how to deal with this brutal regime. At the end of it all, Borgoglio was accused
of collaboration and even betrayal but the betrayal allegations appear to be without
substance. However, I ask myself that in
the aftermath, whether Borgoglio felt some remorse for his lack of
opposition. He was supine – not a rogue
but also not a hero. Thus, repentance would, I imagine,
like John Newton, figure in his internal narrative about his behavior in the
Dirty War and his faith.
I speculate
that this insight into his own fragility and humanity must inform this
Papacy. Thus redemption of atheists is
comprehensible to him. John Newton was
an unbeliever who was redeemed. Francis
has never lost his belief in God but he may have in the post Dirty War time
lost some belief in himself. Hence he
embraces ostentatious modesty. Thus he
can deal with atheists and contemplate that we could be bound for glory.
This is all,
of course, speculative. But the
perestroika displayed by Francis is extraordinary. We must now observe the Papacy of Francis
through this lens. He is open in ways
that no Pope has been open since John XXIII.
Paul V, JP II and Benedict XVI were reactionary duds and the Church has
plummeted in Europe and elsewhere as a result. Francis may not be such a dud.
What is
your view?
Is the
overture from Francis to the world of unbelief an unprecedented opportunity to converse
with the godless or a momentary slip?
Is the
emphasis on redemption guided by the Dirty War guilt or just another Catholic
with redemption as a principal marketing tool?
It is pretty good that a few Hail Mary’s can get you out of
trouble. Just ask the priestly paedophiles.
Is a more rational Catholicism bad for atheism as we have
lost our favourite whipping boy or is it good for those of us who want to work
with reasonable people of faith?
Over to you….